Copper Chelated (EDTA) Cu 12%
Copper Chelated (EDTA) Cu 12% is a valuable tool in agriculture due to its ability to ensure effective copper delivery to plants. It addresses and prevents copper deficiencies, promotes plant health through enzyme activation, enhances disease resistance, and minimizes environmental impact by reducing copper leaching. This micronutrient supplement plays a crucial role in optimizing crop yields and soil fertility, contributing to healthier and more productive agriculture.
कॉपर चेलेटेड (EDTA) Cu 12% पौधों तक तांबे की प्रभावी डिलीवरी सुनिश्चित करने की क्षमता के कारण कृषि में एक मूल्यवान उपकरण है। यह तांबे की कमी को संबोधित करता है और रोकता है, एंजाइम सक्रियण के माध्यम से पौधों के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है, रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है, और तांबे की लीचिंग को कम करके पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव को कम करता है। यह सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व पूरक फसल की पैदावार और मिट्टी की उर्वरता को अनुकूलित करने, स्वस्थ और अधिक उत्पादक कृषि में योगदान देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।
- Enhanced Solubility: Copper Chelated (EDTA) Cu 12% are Improved copper solubility in soil and water.
- Prevents Precipitation: Guards against the formation of insoluble compounds.
- Improved Uptake: Facilitates easier copper absorption by plant roots.
- Correction of Deficiencies: Addresses and prevents copper deficiencies in plants.
- Enzyme Activation: Stimulates enzyme activity critical for plant processes.
- Disease Resistance: Enhances plant resistance to certain diseases.
- Environmental Considerations: Reduces the risk of copper leaching into groundwater.
DOSE OF Chelated (EDTA) Cu
- Foliar spray: Dissolve 200gm in 200-liter of water and spray on both the surface of leaves uniformly of 20days.
- Effective Micronutrient Delivery: Ensures efficient copper uptake by plants.
- Deficiency Prevention: Addresses and prevents copper deficiencies in crops.
- Enhanced Plant Health: Supports critical enzymatic processes for overall plant vitality.
- Disease Resistance: Copper Chelated (EDTA) Cu 12% are Contributes to improved plant disease resistance.
- Environmental Stewardship: Reduces the risk of copper leaching, minimizing environmental impact.
- Higher Crop Yields: Promotes healthier growth, potentially leading to increased yields.
- Improved Soil Fertility: In some cases, enhances soil fertility by addressing copper deficiencies.
- Wheat, Barley, Corn, Soybeans, Rice, Citrus Fruits, Grapes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Cotton