
Humic Acid Shiny Balls



Humic Acid Shiny Balls are a natural fertilizer that can help to improve soil fertility, nutrient uptake by plants, and overall crop yield and quality. Humic acid is a complex organic substance that is derived from the decomposition of plant and animal matter. It is rich in nutrients and has a number of beneficial properties for soil and plants.

ह्यूमिक एसिड शाइनी बॉल्स एक प्राकृतिक उर्वरक है जो मिट्टी की उर्वरता, पौधों द्वारा पोषक तत्व ग्रहण और समग्र फसल उपज और गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने में मदद कर सकता है। ह्यूमिक एसिड एक जटिल कार्बनिक पदार्थ है जो पौधे और पशु पदार्थ के अपघटन से प्राप्त होता है। यह पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर है और इसमें मिट्टी और पौधों के लिए कई लाभकारी गुण हैं।



  • Nutrient Chelation: Humic acid in the shiny balls binds to essential nutrients, making them more available and easily absorbed by plants.
  • Improved Soil Structure: These balls enhance soil aggregation, promoting better aeration, water retention, and root penetration.
  • Microbial Activity: Humic acid stimulates beneficial microbial populations in the soil, aiding nutrient cycling and decomposition of organic matter.
  • pH Regulation: Helps balance soil pH, creating a favorable environment for nutrient uptake.
  • Reduced Nutrient Loss: Minimizes nutrient leaching and runoff, optimizing nutrient utilization by plants.
  • Stress Resistance: Enhances plant resilience against environmental stressors, including drought and disease.
  • Root Growth: Promotes healthy root development, leading to stronger and more productive plants.

DOSE OF Humic Acid

  • Soil Application: Apply 2kg to 3kg in one acre land with fertilizer through drip irrigation.


  • Improved soil fertility and structure: Humic Acid Shiny Balls helps to improve the overall quality of soil by increasing its organic matter content, improving drainage, and enhancing nutrient retention.
  • Increased nutrient uptake by plants: Humic acid chelates nutrients, making them more readily available to plants. This can lead to increased yields and improved crop quality.
  • Promoted root growth and development: Humic acid stimulates root growth and development, which can help plants to better withstand stress and improve their overall health.
  • Stimulated plant growth and development: Humic acid helps to enhance plant growth and development by increasing chlorophyll production, promoting cell division, and improving photosynthesis.
  • Increased crop yield and quality: Humic acid can lead to significant increases in crop yield and quality. This is due to its ability to improve soil fertility, nutrient uptake, and plant growth.


  • Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Legumes, Herbs, Ornamental Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Lawns and Turf, Greenhouse Plants

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