KMB Bio-Fertilizer Powder Formulation (Water Insoluble)
KMB Bio-Fertilizer Powder Formulation (Water Insoluble) is a biological fertilizer that contains the bacterium Frateuria aurentia. This bacterium is able to mobilize potassium from the soil and make it available to plants. KMB Bio-Fertilizer Powder is water insoluble, so it must be mixed with water before it can be applied to the soil.
केएमबी जैव-उर्वरक पाउडर फॉर्मूलेशन (पानी में अघुलनशील) एक जैविक उर्वरक है जिसमें जीवाणु फ्रेटेरिया ऑरेंटिया होता है। यह जीवाणु मिट्टी से पोटैशियम एकत्रित करके पौधों को उपलब्ध कराने में सक्षम है। केएमबी बायो-उर्वरक पाउडर पानी में अघुलनशील है, इसलिए मिट्टी में लगाने से पहले इसे पानी में मिलाना चाहिए।
- The bacteria in KMB Bio-Fertilizer Powder, specifically Frateuria spp., are able to mobilize potassium from the soil and make it available to plants.
- They do this by secreting organic acids, which break down the potassium-containing minerals in the soil.
- Mineralization: KMB microbes break down organic matter in the soil, releasing bound potassium for plants to absorb.
- Root Growth Promotion: KMB stimulates root development, allowing plants to access potassium and other nutrients more effectively.
- Stress Tolerance: Improved potassium uptake enhances plant resilience to environmental stresses like drought and disease.
- Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Increased potassium availability can improve the overall uptake of other essential nutrients by plants.
- Crop Yield Increase: KMB bio-fertilizer can lead to higher crop yields and better quality produce.
- Environmental Benefits: Reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers can minimize nutrient runoff and environmental pollution.
- Cost-Effective: Over time, the use of KMB bio-fertilizer may lead to cost savings by reducing the need for potassium-based fertilizers.
- Soil Application: Apply 1Kg Bio-Fertilizer For 1 Acre Land
- Improved Nutrient Availability: Bio-fertilizers can enhance the availability of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to plants.
- Sustainable Agriculture: They promote environmentally friendly and sustainable farming practices by reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers.
- Reduced Chemical Use: Using bio-fertilizers can lead to a reduction in the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides in agriculture.
- Reduced Environmental Impact: They can help reduce nutrient runoff and environmental pollution associated with chemical fertilizers.
- Cereals, Fiber crops, Sugar crops, Oilseeds, Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers.
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