
Strong Larvicide. (Bio-pesticides product)



Strong Larvicide is applied to water bodies where mosquito larvae are breeding. It can also be applied to crops to control agricultural pests. Strong Larvicide is a safe and effective way to control mosquito populations and protect crops from insect damage.

मजबूत लार्विसाइड को उन जल निकायों पर लगाया जाता है जहां मच्छरों के लार्वा पनप रहे होते हैं। इसे कृषि कीटों को नियंत्रित करने के लिए फसलों पर भी लगाया जा सकता है। मच्छरों की आबादी को नियंत्रित करने और फसलों को कीड़ों से होने वाले नुकसान से बचाने के लिए स्ट्रॉन्ग लार्विसाइड एक सुरक्षित और प्रभावी तरीका है।



  • Neurotoxicity (Strong Larvicide): Disrupts the larvae’s nervous system, leading to paralysis and death.
  • Microbial Pathogens: Bio-pesticides contain beneficial microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi, or viruses) that infect and kill insect larvae.
  • Toxin Production: Some bio-pesticides produce toxins or proteins that are toxic to larvae when ingested, affecting their digestive or nervous systems.
  • Predation: Introducing natural predators or parasitoids that feed on insect larvae, reducing larval populations.
  • Growth Disruption: Bio-pesticides can disrupt larval growth or development, preventing them from maturing into adult pests.
  • Feeding Inhibition: Certain bio-pesticides deter larvae from feeding on plants, leading to starvation and reduced survival.
  • Chitin Inhibition: Interfering with chitin production, a critical component of insect exoskeletons, can cause larval deformities or death.
  • Oviposition Deterrence: Bio-pesticides discourage adult insects from laying eggs on treated plants, reducing larval hatching.
  • Biochemical Disruption: Some bio-pesticides disrupt specific biochemical processes or metabolic pathways in larvae, leading to lethality.

DOSE OF Larvicide

  • 5ml in 15-liter water (foliar spray)

BENEFITS OF Strong Larvicide

  • Larval Control: Strong larvicides efficiently reduce pest larval populations, minimizing crop damage and disease transmission.
  • Quick Action: They work rapidly to eliminate larvae, preventing further pest proliferation.
  • Reduced Pest Pressure: Effective larval control reduces the number of adult pests, leading to decreased infestations in the future.
  • Crop Protection: Larvicides safeguard crops from larval damage, ensuring healthier yields.


  • Rice, Fruit Orchards, Vegetable Crops, Corn Fields, Soybeans, Cotton Fields, Wheat Fields, Grapes, Tobacco, Turfgrass and Greenhouse Crops

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