Super Spray
Unlock the full potential of your agricultural treatments with Super 80, a non-ionic surfactant boasting an 80% concentration. Our product is designed to revolutionize your crop management practices by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of pesticides, herbicides, and nutrients. Whether you’re a farmer aiming for higher yields or an agriculture professional seeking precision in crop care, Super 80 delivers proven results. Trust us for more successful and sustainable agriculture.
सुपर 80 के साथ अपने कृषि उपचारों की पूरी क्षमता को अनलॉक करें, एक गैर-आयनिक सर्फेक्टेंट जो 80% सांद्रता का दावा करता है। हमारा उत्पाद कीटनाशकों, शाकनाशियों और पोषक तत्वों की दक्षता और प्रभावशीलता में सुधार करके आपकी फसल प्रबंधन प्रथाओं में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव लाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। चाहे आप उच्च पैदावार का लक्ष्य रखने वाले किसान हों या फसल की देखभाल में सटीकता चाहने वाले कृषि पेशेवर हों, सुपर 80 सिद्ध परिणाम देता है। अधिक सफल और टिकाऊ कृषि के लिए हम पर भरोसा करें।
- Reduced Surface Tension: Super Spray lowers the surface tension of water, allowing it to spread evenly and adhere better to plant surfaces.
- Improved Wetting: Enhances the ability of spray droplets to wet and cover plant surfaces, ensuring uniform application.
- Increased Adhesion: Promotes the sticking of spray droplets to plant surfaces, reducing runoff and improving treatment efficacy.
- Better Coverage: Super Spray helps create smaller droplets, ensuring better coverage and minimizing drift.
- Penetration: Facilitates the entry of active ingredients into plant tissues, improving the effectiveness of pesticides, herbicides, and nutrients.
DOSE OF Super 80
- For leaf spray: – Dissolve 5 ml of Super Spray with any pesticide/fungicide in 15-liter.
- Enhanced Pesticide Efficacy: Improves the effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides by ensuring better coverage and adhesion to plant surfaces.
- Increased Nutrient Absorption: Facilitates better absorption of fertilizers and nutrients by plant tissues.
- Uniform Application: Promotes consistent distribution of agricultural chemicals, reducing the risk of under- or over-application.
- Reduced Drift: Minimizes spray drift, ensuring that the treatment reaches the intended target.
- Improved Rainfastness: Increases the resistance of applied chemicals to wash-off from rain or irrigation.
- Row Crops, Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Leafy Greens, Ornamental Plants