Uni Flower | Fertilizer for Flower Plants.
Flowering Stimulant
Choosing a fertilizer for your flower plants is essential for vibrant blooms and healthy growth. Our specialized formula provides the necessary nutrients and minerals your flowers need. With this fertilizer, you can expect more colorful and long-lasting blooms, making your garden a beautiful and captivating space for everyone to enjoy.
अपने फूलों के पौधों के लिए उर्वरक चुनना जीवंत खिलने और स्वस्थ विकास के लिए आवश्यक है। हमारा विशेष फ़ॉर्मूला आपके फूलों को आवश्यक पोषक तत्व और खनिज प्रदान करता है। इस उर्वरक के साथ, आप अधिक रंगीन और लंबे समय तक चलने वाले फूलों की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं, जिससे आपका बगीचा सभी के आनंद के लिए एक सुंदर और मनोरम स्थान बन जाएगा।
- Uni Flower Nutrient Absorption: Fertilizer for Flower Plants absorb water-soluble nutrients from the soil.
- Transport: Nutrients are transported to various plant tissues through the plant’s vascular system.
- Photosynthesis and Growth: Nutrients, especially nitrogen, support photosynthesis and overall plant growth.
- Flowering and Fruit Development: Phosphorus and potassium promote flower and fruit formation.
- Micronutrient Support: Micronutrients aid enzyme activity and overall plant health.
- Disease Resistance: Proper nutrition enhances a plant’s ability to resist diseases and pests.
DOSE OF Uni-Flower
- Foliar spray application: – 30-40ml for 15-liters of water.
- Improved Growth: Fertilizer for Flower Plants provide essential nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth.
- Enhanced Flowering: They stimulate flower formation and enhance the quality and quantity of blooms.
- Nutrient Balance: Fertilizers ensure plants receive a balanced supply of nutrients for optimal development.
- Disease Resistance: Proper nutrition strengthens plant defenses against diseases and pests.
- Customization: Fertilizers can be tailored to specific plant needs for better results.
- Increased Yield: They can boost fruit and seed production in flowering plants.
- Longevity: Fertilizers can extend the lifespan of flower plants by maintaining their vigor.
- Roses, Tulips, Daffodils, Marigolds, Petunias, Sunflowers, Lilies, Orchids, Dahlias, Hydrangeas