
Whiteout | White Fly Controller



Choose Whiteout to effectively combat whitefly infestations and protect your valuable crops and gardens. Our solution provides a reliable shield against these stubborn pests, preventing damage to your plants and the transmission of plant diseases. With Whiteout, you can safeguard the health and productivity of your crops, ensuring a bountiful harvest and flourishing gardens. Trust in Whiteout for efficient and trusted whitefly control.

सफ़ेद मक्खी के संक्रमण से प्रभावी ढंग से निपटने और अपनी मूल्यवान फसलों और बगीचों की सुरक्षा के लिए व्हाइटआउट चुनें। हमारा समाधान इन जिद्दी कीटों के खिलाफ एक विश्वसनीय ढाल प्रदान करता है, जो आपके पौधों को होने वाले नुकसान और पौधों की बीमारियों के संचरण को रोकता है। व्हाइटआउट के साथ, आप भरपूर फसल और फलते-फूलते बगीचों को सुनिश्चित करते हुए, अपनी फसलों के स्वास्थ्य और उत्पादकता की रक्षा कर सकते हैं। कुशल और विश्वसनीय सफ़ेद मक्खी नियंत्रण के लिए व्हाइटआउट पर भरोसा करें।



  • Whiteout Physical Barriers: Some White Fly Controller create a physical barrier that prevents whiteflies from reaching plants.
  • Chemical Control: Many controllers contain chemicals that target and kill whiteflies on contact.
  • Repellent Effects: Some controllers deter whiteflies from infested areas, reducing their presence.
  • Growth Regulation: Certain controllers disrupt the reproductive cycle or development of whiteflies, limiting their populations.
  • Predatory Organism Attraction: Some products attract natural predators of whiteflies, which can help White Fly Controller infestations.

DOSE OF Whiteout

  • Foliar spray application: 20ml in 15-litre of water


  • Effective Pest Control: Manages and reduces whitefly populations.
  • Crop Protection: Guards plants from whitefly damage, including leaf yellowing and honeydew secretion.
  • Increased Yield: Helps maintain healthy plant growth, leading to higher crop yields.
  • Reduced Damage: Minimizes the harm caused by whiteflies, preventing the spread of plant viruses.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Can lower the need for chemical pesticides and associated costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Some controllers are eco-friendly, reducing the environmental impact of pest control.
  • Crop Quality: Improves the overall quality of harvested produce.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Supports sustainable and integrated pest management practices.


  • Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Cotton, Ornamental Plants, Greenhouse Crops, Fruit Trees, Leafy Vegetables, Field Crops

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